Thursday, August 27, 2009

Annika's First Day of First Grade

I have been away from the blogging world for so long, I almost forgot how to post, but Annika started school today, and that is definitely blogworthy. Someday soon I will tell you all that we did in our Summer with not so many pictures-I was not that good with taking the camera around. I will tell you about all the ups and the downs we have had over the past 4 months or so. Someday I will get to that, but for now, my cute kids.
Today was Annika's first day of school-we got up early (7:00) and had breakfast as a family before Ryan went to work. We got to meet her teacher yesterday, and she was very excited for her all day school to start. She was happy to pick her own seat yesterday, and be able to bring a lunch for today-YEAH! I missed her tons- I was so bored with only one kid, that I might actually get back to my gym routine for once.

Ashton had to get in the pics too. While she was gone he said he did not miss her, but when we picked her up, after I gave a her a huge hug and kiss, he leaned over and said, Annika I missed you! She gave him a huge hug! After school, she was glad to see me, and even more happy to go as she went to play at a friends house, man they grow up too quick, she hardly wants me around.
Here she is in front of her new school.
PS-Tomorrow MAY be a first too. I am thinking of letting her ride the bus both ways-that is huge on my part. I do not want to let my little girl go. We will see!